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Standard Roller Shelf

The product that started this entire company ...

We can’t even begin to imagine how many hours of design and more importantly – listening – went into getting this product fit for market.

Please remember that its original concept was to get the best out of an existing kit that was getting old, and was meant for our own use only!

The concept of setting your system free by letting it move seems totally alien, and may take a while to get used to. To go to a cd player or amplifier, push a button and have the box move away from you is un-nerving at first, but very soon becomes second nature.

We have found that best results are obtained by having the roller shelf supported by something with a bit of mass. Ultra lightweight shelves / tables / racks will not see this work at its best. It will work –but we have found that a definite path to ‘earth’ for vibration is beneficial.  Tables / shelves / cabinets – for example from the Ikea range of ‘Lack’  work very well, especially when the legs are supported on cones from the range.

We know that this product will be a ‘God send’ for those who have existing furniture (from huge oak cabinets to shelving systems made bespoke for the house), that is actually not up to the task of giving your components the support they need.

Simply put the roller shelf together, put it where you want it to work, and place the component on it. Re connect the wires (carefully!) switch on, and listen. No running in, no warming up. Its effect will be there.

From this standard roller table we can produce many variants, (some of which are shown  on this site) special sizes, heights, and  be able to cope with very heavy components if need be.

Again we are very happy to quote on making shelves of custom sizes,  even down to making them to fit within your existing furniture.
Please talk to your dealer about this.

Size:- 485 x 355 x 63 mm ( W x D x H )

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